Windmill Primary well-represented at Northamptonshire Education Awards

Windmill Primary

Huge congratulations to new Alliance member Windmill Primary - fantastic achievement

Windmill Primary well-represented at Northamptonshire Education Awards

Last night, children, parents and staff from the Windmill Primary School community were delighted to attend the Northamptonshire Education Awards at Wicksteed Park, Kettering.

The Raunds-based school community turned out in full-force, definitely winning the award for the loudest cheer of the evening!

Windmill was shortlisted for Primary School of the Year. Although they didn’t win, to be shortlisted was a remarkable achievement for a school that has really turned things around in the past few years. With an ever increasing pupil roll and improving reputation, the school’s staff were all incredibly proud of the recognition they were awarded. Principal Matt Coleman said, “We have a relentless focus on developing the right environment for learning, creating the correct culture for success and pushing an ethos of ambition. To be recognised for the work that we have done, and will continue to do, for the awesome children that come to our school is something that we are incredibly proud of. The Education Fellowship Trust has supported us along this impressive journey.”

The big winner of the night from Windmill was Mrs Linda Taylor, who won the award for Unsung Hero. At the ceremony, the reason for her nomination was shared with the audience; “Mrs T has worked at Windmill for 17 years. In her time at the school, she has pretty much done every job going! She is our chief lunchtime supervisor, she runs breakfast club and is involved in all that is great about our whole school community. Mrs T lives and breathes Windmill and I know for a fact that if you cut her open, like a stick of rock, her insides would read, 'Windmill Primary School'!

“Lunchtimes at Windmill are amazing. Breakfast club is awesome - it started 3 years ago with an average of 8 children every morning - now we average nearly 50. Mrs T will come into school at weekends and during holidays to prepare activities for the children. Over and above doesn't even cover it. Mrs Taylor is Windmill and is an absolute Unsung Hero.”

Mrs Taylor Windmill Primary

Mr Simon Bateson was also shortlisted in the category for ‘SEN Provision of the Year’, as well as Mr Matt Coleman being shortlisted for the ‘Changemaker of the Year’ award.

Windmill Primary are very proud to be recognised for all that they have achieved and look forward to continuing to provide awesome experiences for the whole community.