CPD and Training

CPD and Training

When designing our professional development and support packages we had two guiding principles in mind.  The first was that it shouldn’t matter where you are in your career – apprentice, ECT, middle leader, senior leader, Head Teacher/Principal, executive leader, teaching assistant, parent – there should be something for your professional development in our offer.  As the education landscape evolves and develops, so does our training offer.

The second principle was that all of the support we have developed should be underpinned by excellent pedagogy and good practice, and by secure and respected research.  For example, our full day CPD sessions have a core learning start to them – Why is marking and feedback so important?  What is the pedagogy behind it?  Followed by different ways in which this can be achieved in the classroom, so that you can see how it might work best in your school or setting.

Alongside training for individuals, we have support packages for school improvement to help schools Secure, Good or Become Outstanding. Our bespoke work allows you to discuss the very specific needs of your own school for school improvement with heads, senior leaders, middle leaders and outstanding practitioners form within our Trust cohort of schools.

Our experts can help you with reviews of three particular areas in school. Ofsted reports commonly require schools to do a review in one of these areas.  We have developed these so that you can be proactive in your approach and deal with any issues arising.  The reviews are for Governance, led by National Leaders of Governance (NLGs), Safeguarding and Pupil Premium.

Our lead practitioners run networks that have been designed around a theme rather than a subject, to support busy professionals who often have more than one subject hat.

For more information about these programmes and professional development, please click here